Friday, November 25, 2011


I first discovered Deadliest Warrior in the winter of '09. It completely captured my interest, with its mix of military history and good old fashioned gore. I didn't really discover how dedicated many of the fans were until I stumbled upon iHonk's (now known as Mike) fan match ups on the old Spike boards, and I really got an understanding of how great these kind of fan match ups could be. For I while I could never manage to work up the courage to start my own match ups,but when we were assigned to create our own medieval based project in my history class, I decided to do Deadliest Warrior style match up. I was pretty proud of it at the time, although it seems rough around the edges now. Although I was pissed when Spike completely ruined there boards earlier this year, Blogspot helped introduce me to many other excellent bloggers (Afanofsparta and  Vercingetorix, just to name two) that are currently active. The thing I love about the DW blogging community is how open it is. People are also bouncing ideas and comments off eachother, and as far as I can tell it's troll free.I hope that you enjoy these following mach-ups, with any luck they will be halfway decent :)
The Match-ups
 Deadliest Warrior Rematch: The James-Younger Gang vs. the Chicago Outfit (Al Capone's Gang)
 The Knights Templar vs. the Hashashin
 Hernan Cortez vs. Suleiman the Magnificent
The Mongols vs. The Polish Winged Hussars
Gallic Celts vs. Masai Warriors
Charles "The Hammer" Martel vs. Khalid Ibn Walid, "The Sword of Allah" (battle of the warriors with badass nicknames)
Anglo-Saxon Huscarl vs. Moorish Warrior
FARC vs. the Taliban
Edward Teach aka Blackbeard vs. Heyreddin Barbarossa         

Fictional Match-ups: 
Ezio Auditore da Firenze vs. Solomon Kane
Jason Voorhees vs. Anton Chigurh
Jason Bourne vs. Sam Fisher

Thoughts? Suggestions? Violent Disagreements? Please Post Below.


  1. Looks interesting. Im looking forward to reading more of you. Also what was the match that you did for your history class and what grade did you get?

    I like the matches and i am highly curious if the ottoman Heyreddin Barbossa or the english edward teach will be the better pirate.
    I do have one note on one match.

    Keep the tempar knights versus the hassasin as historical as possible. The way both are portrayed in assasinscreed is wrong and especially the hassasin got weapons that he would not have had in real life.

    Also check my stuff out!

  2. Thanks for comments and the support!
    The match I did for history class was was the Templar vs Hashashin match, which I managed to get a pretty good grade on.

    Don't worry I plan to keep it as historical as possible, although the Hashashin are very difficult to find weapons for.

  3. Hey man, nice to see you here, Welcome :)! and thanks for for the compliments!

    I gotta say I like the matches; literally all of them look good!

    Mongolians vs. Hussars and Ezio vs. Kane are my two favorites so far

    Also the reason I was delaying the edges were so people like Ares and vercing could get their input in, while I worked on the prologue . Seeing as the former has done so and the latter probably isn't, and since I have done 15 pages on the prologue so far....ill probably get it done tmw

  4. Hey there, man! I saw you comment on my post and I got to say this is pretty impressive.

    My favorite matches here Charles the Hammer and Khalid the Sword of Allah, Mongols and Hussars, and Anton vs Jason. Anton vs Jason has to be my top favorite so far, being a battle of crazy murderers. I'm going to love this one.

    I'm definitely watching this one.

  5. Hey man :) Welcome to the club.

    Here is my formal letter of welcomd :P

    Frankly I'm always excited for a new blogger no matter who they are or what their past :) We're happy to have you.

    For all its faults I do love the show deadliest warrior and it never fails to entertain me :)

    So my friend, here is a toast to you.


    Master of the Boot

    Ps: You've got some great matches here, both historical and fictional
